Dataset 113

Southampton Oceanography Center Discovery Collections Midwater Database (collections from Discovery sailings - 1979 only year with furthest afield data)

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Realm: Marine
Climate: Global
Biome: Multiple ecoregions
Central latitude: 2.695167
Central longitude: -10.863410
Duration: 25 years, from 1965 to 1999

89972 records

2055 distinct species

Across the time series Dimophyes arctica is the most frequently occurring species


This is a biological data base of the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory. U.K. The data are mainly open ocean. with some data from upwelling regions off N.W. Africa and in the Arabian Sea. Data were collected using nets. mainly the IOS RMT1+8 combination net or its multiple version and represent 94000 records in 2100 species. Specific identifications made by various members of staff at the National Institute of Oceanography/Institute of Oceanographic Sciences. Taxa include: pelagic species of Amphipoda. Cephalopoda. Chaetognatha. Copepoda. Ctenophora (few data). Decacopda. Euphausiacea. Fish includes some benthic species). Heteropoda (few data). Medusae. Mysidacea. Ostracoda. Pteropoda (few data) and Siphonophora. Unit of abundance = AggregatedPresence, Unit of biomass = NA


Pugh, P. Discovery Collections Midwater Database. National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK. Available at:, accessed 2012.