Realm: Marine
Climate: Temperate/Tropical
Biome: Multiple ecoregions
Central latitude: 36.762360
Central longitude: -116.837677
Duration: 13 years, from 1990 to 2004
173040 records
5624 distinct species
Across the time series Streblospio benedicti is the most frequently occurring species
Stations were randomly selected using EMAP's probabilistic sampling framework and were sampled once during a summer index period (June to October). A consistent suite of indicators was used to measure conditions in the water. sediment. and in benthic and fish communities.Different grab samplers were used by NCA partners. Young-modified Van Veen grab samplers. with a sampling area of 0.04 m2. were used by CT. DE. MA. NH. RI. and ME in both 2000 and 2001. NJ-Coastal and NJ-Delaware Bay used either a Ponar sampler (0.04 m2) or a Smith McIntyre sampler (0.1 m2) at stations in both years. NY used either a Young-modified Van Veen grab sampler (0.04 m2) or a Smith McIntyre sampler (0.1 m2) in 2000.One 'grab' sample was collected from each station using a Young-modifiedVan Veen grab sampler. The grabs were nominally 440 cm2 in area and 10cm deep. A sub-sample 2.5 cm in diameter and the depth of the grab wastaken from each grab for grain-size analysis. The remaining sedimentswere live-sieved in the field with a 0.5 mm mesh screen. Organismsretained on the screen were placed in plastic containers and fixed in10% buffered formalin with rose bengal stain for preservation. All taxa in a grab sample were sorted by a technician and thenidentified and counted by a skilled taxonomist. Only organisms largerthan 0.5 mm were processed; therefore groups such as turbellarianflatworms. nematodes. ostracods. harpacticoid copepods and foraminiferawere excluded from the identification process. Estuarine and Coastal SamplingEMAP-Estuaries Virginian Province 1990-1993 Louisianian Province 1991-1994 Carolinian Province 1994-1995 West Indian Province 1994 South California Bight Pilot Project 1994Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment 1997-1998R-EMAP Studies Region 2 (NY/NJ Harbor) 1993-1994 DE/MD Coastal Bays 1993 Region 6 (Texas Coast) 1993-1994National Coastal Assessment Northeast 2000 - 2006 Southeast 2000 - 2006 Gulf of Mexico 2000 - 2006 West Coast 1999 - 2006 Hawaii. Alaska 2001-2002 Unit of abundance = AggregatedPresence, Unit of biomass = NA
"EPA'S EMAP Database". U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through its Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP). Available at:, accessed 2012. Also available at