Realm: Terrestrial
Climate: Temperate
Biome: Mediterranean forests, woodlands and scrubs
Central latitude: -31.933300
Central longitude: 115.766600
Duration: 7 years, from 1986 to 1992
160 records
29 distinct species
Across the time series Heleioporus eyrei is the most frequently occurring species
Bold Park is a bushland remnant of some 330 ha located close to the Indian Ocean about 10 km west of central Perth. The preliminary list of vertebrate species from Bold Park has already been published (How & Dell 1990). This herpetofaunal survey of Bold Park was undertaken between December 1986 and June 1993 using four similar fenced pitfall traplines. The fenced pitfall traplines consisted of six pitfall traps placed in a linebetween 7 and 8 metres apart. Each pit trap consisted of a 17.5 cm diameter PVC pipe that was 60 cm deep and sealed at the bottom with fly-screen mesh. Drift fences that were 50 m long fly-screen mesh 30 cm high and dug 5 cm into the substrate crossed each of the 6 pitfall traps. Each pitfall trap open for 24 hours was referred to as a pit-day. The four habitats selected for surveying represent the principal vegetation types and most of the vegetational heterogeneity of Bold Park determined by Keighery et al. (1990). These habitats were; ? BP1 Mixed coastal heath ? BP2 Dryandra sessilis shrubland ? BP3 Banksia attenuata / B. menziesii low woodland ? BP4 Eucalyptus gomphocephala (Tuart) woodland. The first of these sampling sites (BP1) was located on the sands of the near-coastal Quindalup Dune landform and the remainder (BP2-4) were located on the adjacent and more easterly Cottesloe sands of the Spearwood Dune landform. Unit of abundance = IndCountInt, Unit of biomass = NA
How, R.A. (1998) Long-term sampling of a herpetofaunal assemblage on an isolated urban bushland remnant, Bold Park, Perth. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 81, 143-148.