Dataset 180

ECNASAP - East Coast North America Strategic Assessment (OBIS Canada)

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Realm: Marine
Climate: Polar/Temperate
Biome: Polar ecoregions
Central latitude: 37.770564
Central longitude: -50.792666
Duration: 26 years, from 1970 to 1995

410802 records

273 distinct species

Across the time series Hippoglossoides platessoides is the most frequently occurring species


Summary: Fishery-independent groundfish data for the east coast of North America from Cape Hatteras to the US/Canadian border and for Bay of Fundy through the Scotian Shelf. Time period is 1970-95. Efforts are underway to extend taxonomic. tempoaral and spatial coverage of data available from OBIS. OBIS Schema concepts implemented in this data set are:DateLastModified. InstitutionCode. CollectionCode. CatalogNumber. ScientificName. BasisOfRecord. Phylum. Class. Order. Family. Genus. Species. ScientificNameAuthor. YearCollected. MonthCollected. DayCollected. JulianDay. TimeOfDay. ContinentOcean. Locality. Longitude. Latitude. MinDepth. Notes. StartYearCollected. EndYearCollected. StartMonthCollected. EndMonthCollected. StartDayCollected. EndDayCollected. StartTimeofDay. EndtimeofDay. StartLongitude. EndLongitude. StartLatitude. EndLatitude. Temperature. ObservedIndividualCount. For OBIS Schema concept details see Unit of abundance = IndCountInt, Unit of biomass = NA


"East Coast North America Strategic Assessment Project, Groundfish Atlas for the East Coast of North America". Available at:, accessed 2012.