Realm: Marine
Climate: Temperate/Tropical
Biome: Tropical seas
Central latitude: 23.948044
Central longitude: 120.753228
Duration: 4 years, from 2000 to 2003
3513 records
631 distinct species
Across the time series Trichiurus lepturus is the most frequently occurring species
Bottom trawl fishery is one of the most important coastal fisheries in Taiwan both in production and economic values. However. its? annual production started to decline due to overfishing since 1980?s. Its? bycatch problem also damage the fishery resource seriously. So. the government banned the bottom fishery within 3 nautical miles along the shoreline in 1989. To evaluate the effectiveness of this policy. a four year survey was conducted from 2000-2003. in the waters around Taiwan and Pescadore Islands. one region each year respectively. Three to five different water depth fixed stations were chosen in each region for seasonal sampling. All fish specimens collected from trawling were brought back to lab for identification and measurement for their body length and weight. These raw data have been established in one database with the columns of species name. number of individual. total weight etc which could be browsed by choosing stations or seasons and sorted by their abundance of total weight. This data set contains 631 species and 3529 records of fishes which should be the most complete demersal fish fauna and their temporal and spatial distributional data on the soft marine habitat in Taiwan Unit of abundance = IndCountInt, Unit of biomass = NA
Shao, K. T., Lin, J., Wu, C.-H., Yeh, H.-M. & Cheng, T.-Y. (2012) "A dataset from bottom trawl survey around Taiwan". Available at:, accessed 2013.