Realm: Terrestrial
Climate: Temperate
Biome: Deserts and xeric shrublands
Central latitude: 33.430000
Central longitude: -111.930000
Duration: 3 years, from 1998 to 2000
45361 records
220 distinct species
Across the time series Mourning Dove is the most frequently occurring species
Bird surveys are conducted along transect lines located in various locations within the CAP LTER study area. with particular emphasis on golf courses. new and old residential areas. and desert remnants. Birds are being surveyed by both LTER researchers and by local interest groups and individuals (e.g.. Maricopa Audubon Society). A new interactive bird population web site is now posted. One can obtain results for bird censuses that have been going on since 1 May 1998. Volunteers in combination with LTER birders have been censusing birds in over 70 transects located throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area.The goals of this project are (1) to document the changes in avian richness and abundance over time and space. and (2) to determine the biotic/abiotic factors and socioeconomic/political factors that cause these changes to occur. We have developed a census protocol and have started conducting bird censuses in four key habitats in the CAP LTER study area. ---- Bird transect samplingUsing a stratified random sampling strategy. we have established thirty 1-km transects in four key habitat types within the Phoenix metro area. These habitats include older residential neighborhoods (8 sites). younger residential neighborhoods (8 sites). remnant desert areas (8 sites). and golf courses (8 sites). These sites are located in southern Phoenix. Tempe. Chandler. and Mesa. Desert transects are divided into five 200 meter segments and the other transects are divided into ten 100 meter segments to evaluate the effects of landscape structure at the patch level. Each transect is sampled by recording all birds that are seen or heard within 20 m and 40 m on both sides of the transect. Each transect is censused 3 - 4 times a year. Unit of abundance = IndCountInt, Unit of biomass = NA
Ohmart, R., Pearson, D., Hostetler, M., Katti, M. & Hulen, T. (2003) “Transect bird survey with data synthesis from multiple transects in the central Arizona-Phoenix area: period 1998 to 2000.” Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research. Global Institute for Sustainability, Arizona State University. Available at:, accessed 2012.