Realm: Marine
Climate: Polar
Biome: Polar ecoregions
Central latitude: 70.023511
Central longitude: -132.809137
Duration: 4 years, from 1984 to 1987
8661 records
211 distinct species
Across the time series Pseudocalanus minutus is the most frequently occurring species
Zooplankton was collected from the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf in July and September 1984. and July to September 1985. In the year 1984. 18 and 16 net samples were collected with a 763 ?m Wisconsin and 500 ?m neuston gear. respectively. from 18 stations. In the year 1985. 123. 54 and 229 net samples were collected with a 500 ?m neuston. 85 ?m bongo and 500 ?m bongo gear. respectively. from 60 stations. Neuston gear sampled at the water surface while other gear sampled the water column. In the year 1984. 309068 plankton specimens were caught. with 64 taxonomic identifications from 15 taxonomic groups (phyla. classes. orders or suborders). In the year 1985 there were 210 taxonomic identifications. representative of 32 taxonomic groups. and a total catch of 22.38 million specimens. Copepods were predominant in all catches. Wet and dry biomass data of individual specimens for most plankton species are given for the samples of the year 1985. The maximum sample dry biomass for the 985 neuston and 500 ?m bongo samples was 10.89 and 69.31 g/100 m3 of water filtered. respectively. Length-frequency data are given for 20 species. mostly copepods. captured in 23 (year 1985) 500 ?m bongo net samples. Unit of abundance = CountPerSqM, Unit of biomass = NA
Hopky, G.E., Lawrence, M.J. & Chiperzak, D.B. "Beaufort Sea NOGAP2 Zooplankton - NOGAP B2, Zooplankton Data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea Shelf, 1987-1988". Arctic Ocean Diversity, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks. Available at:, accessed 2012.
Hopky, G.E., Lawrence, M.J. & Chiperzak, D.B. "Beaufort Sea NOGAP3 Zooplankton - NOGAP B3, Zooplankton Data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea Shelf, 1986". Arctic Ocean Diversity, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks. Available at:, accessed 2012.