Realm: Terrestrial
Climate: Temperate
Biome: Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests
Central latitude: 42.408852
Central longitude: -85.383181
Duration: 25 years, from 1989 to 2013
47798 records
21 distinct species
Across the time series Coccinella septempunctata is the most frequently occurring species
Insects collected on sticky-trap are classified by species family and order. The insects are counted for each treatment replicate and station combination. The actual sticky trap location coordinates are given in UTM 16N.This datatable is part of the Insect Population Dynamics on the Main Cropping System Experiment dataset. Plant dwelling insect occurrence in the LTER main site (all treatments) of the KBS-LTER has been recorded since 1989 and in the successional and forest sites since 1993. The effort has focused on characterizing the temporal and spatial abundance and diversity of a set of insects representative of a higher order insect trophic level the herbivore predators. The insect database contains more than 400000 records and consists of counts of adult insects of fourteen species of Coccinellidae one species of Chrysopidae and one species of Lampyridae from 30 sample sites in each of the seven treatments in the LTER Main Site. The standard method used to measure these organisms is a yellow sticky trap. Sampling is conducted weekly during the growing season as described in the sampling protocol. Unit of abundance = Count, Unit of biomass = NA
Landis, D. & Gage, S. (2014) Insect Populations via Sticky Traps at KBS-LTER. Available at:, accessed 2016.