Realm: Terrestrial
Climate: Temperate
Biome: Mediterranean forests, woodlands and scrubs
Central latitude: -30.600000
Central longitude: -71.700000
Duration: 17 years, from 1989 to 2005
256469 records
12 distinct species
Across the time series Abrothrix olivaceus is the most frequently occurring species
Field: We have a small house on site and our field crew lives there for nine days every month (second–tenth day of the month). They trap eight grids for four nights followed by the other eight grids for four nights (from 1997–2002 the crew added two +F grids to each 4-d cycle). Two Sherman-type live traps (9 × 11 × 30 cm) are placed at each station (hence 50 traps per grid) and checked 2–3 times daily (morning late afternoon midday under hot conditions). All individual small mammals are uniquely marked with numbered ear tags or leg bands (National Band and Tag Co. Newport Kentucky USA) and standard data are recorded (see Table 1). Because our site experiences fog or high clouds frequently we do not target sampling to a particular lunar phase. Unit of abundance = IndCountInt, Unit of biomass = Weight
Kelt, D. A., Meserve, P. L., Gutiérrez, J. R., Milstead, W. B. & Previtali, M. A. (2013) Long-term monitoring of mammals in the face of biotic and abiotic influences at a semiarid site in north-central Chile. Ecology, 94, 977. doi:10.1890/12-1811.1.