Dataset 454

Damselfly abundance data from freshwater ponds around Cairngorms region

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Realm: Freshwater
Climate: Temperate
Biome: Small lake ecosystems
Central latitude: 56.992348
Central longitude: -3.124364
Duration: 3 years, from 2014 to 2016

522 records

6 distinct species

Across the time series Enallagma cyathigerum is the most frequently occurring species


Damselflies were collected intensively over a timed period from around a pond where each row in the dataset is a single pond sampled on a single day. The number of individuals of each species caught on that day at that site was then divided by the catching time in minutes thus yielding density estimates in units of (individual captured / minute) Unit of abundance = CountPerMinute, Unit of biomass = NA


Lancaster, L. T. & Fitt, R. “unpublished Damselfly abundance data”, University of Aberdeen. Accessed 2016.