Realm: Terrestrial
Climate: Polar
Biome: Boreal forests/Taiga
Central latitude: 67.750000
Central longitude: 29.500000
Duration: 13 years, from 1968 to 1980
144 records
3 distinct species
Across the time series Vulpes vulpes is the most frequently occurring species
The tracks of red fox. pine marten. stoat and pygmy weasel crossing an observation line 5970 m long running westwards from the summit of Varriotunturi were counted in the winters of 1968/69 - 1980/81 by skiing along this line once a week during the snowy season of the year. Only tracks that were at most 2 days old when recorded in November - April are taken into account in the present calculations. If the same individual had crossed the line more than once within a few minutes at points lying between two recording sticks 20 m apart. this was regarded as only one crossing. In order to render the results for the different months comparable. all monthly means (per 100 m of the observation line) were calculated per four observation times on the basis of those observations in which fresh tracks were visible. Unit of abundance = MeanCount, Unit of biomass = NA
"A transect survey of small land carnivore and red fox populations on a subarctic fell in Finnish forest Lapland over 13 winters". NERC Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College, The Global Population Dynamics Database v2.0. Available at:, accessed 2012.
Pulliainen, E. (1981) A transect survey of small land carnivore and red fox populations on a subarctic fell in Finnish Forest Lapland over 13 winters. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 18, 270–278.