Realm: Marine
Climate: Temperate
Biome: Temperate shelf and seas ecoregions
Central latitude: 38.696508
Central longitude: -0.675526
Duration: 3 years, from 1999 to 2002
1072 records
16 distinct species
Across the time series Larus cachinnans is the most frequently occurring species
Replicate spring-time (May - June) vessel-based surveys in the Western Mediterranean during standardized trawl surveys of the Spanish continental shelf and slope over three years (1999. 2000. 2002). provide broad-scale information on seabird distributions from the Strait of Gibraltar to Cape Creus.To study the distribution and oceanographic habitat of seabirds in the Western Mediterranean during the spring (May - June) of multiple years. Surveys were conducted onboard B/O ?Cornide de Saavedra? research vessel. as part of the annual MEDITS ( trawl surveys. extending along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula. from the Strait of Gibraltar in the SW to Cape Creus in the NE. Unit of abundance = IndCountInt, Unit of biomass = NA
"MEDITS seabird surveys 1999 / 2000 / 2002" (2011). Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) In: OBIS-SEAMAP. Available at:, accessed 2012.
Louzao, M., Hyrenbach, K.D., Arcos, J.M., Abelló, P., Sola, L.G. & Oro, D. (2006) Oceanographic habitat of an endangered Mediterranean procellariiform: implications for marine protected areas. Ecological Applications, 16, 1683–1695.